Your neighbourhood Slade Walk

16 neighbours so far

Only 4 more to unlock thermal imaging

9 weeks to go

Until closing date for thermal imaging scan

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Sign up at least 20 neighbours by 31st Sept

Thermal imaging at a time to suit you, Nov–Feb

Initial recommendations for quick improvements

Optional community retrofit day next Summer

Sign me up

Start your journey towards a warmer, more efficient home. Join your neighbours in identifying improvements you can all make to your homes, to save money and do your bit for the environment.

Join this neighbourhood

Neighbourhood organiser

Kareem Rahman

from number 15

Local councillors

Jessica Smith

supports this project

Harry Winthorpe

supports this project

Ciaron Trejo

What do people say?

You don’t find yourself grabbing a sweater quite as often and knowing you are saving energy and saving money is obviously a pleasant feeling.

Dom, Prestwich

We now have a more comfortable house. There was a big reduction in how much gas and electric we used.

Rachel, Bolton

Read more about the benefits of retrofit,
on People Powered Retrofit.

Why Thermal imaging?

Thermal Imaging Surveys save on costs, as the specific area leaking can be located through thermographic inspection and thus repaired without having to disrupt the rest of the roof or replace the roof unnecessarily.

  • Cost savings; leaks, missing or slipped insulation, electrical problems, damp zones and thermal bridging, can all be detected without having to disrupt the property.
  • Cost savings on energy bills once the Infrared Thermographer has established and demonstrated where heat energy is escaping and where drafts are getting in.
  • Accurate mapping through thermographic inspection, providing intelligence on the makeup of the clients property/ structure; roof, walls, ceiling, floor, basement, etc..
  • Pre-emptive diagnostics through thermographic inspection and visual inspection; information on where things could go wrong before they do.
  • The ability to note areas of potential concern and monitor areas of deterioration via non invasive thermographic inspection.