Local authority RUC distance

Version: 0.1.0. This is not the latest version of this document. See all versions.


Rankings, match-scores and labels for local authorities based on compoiste rural urban classifcation data emissions data



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Table: Local Authority RUC Similarity


Dataset of distance calculations based on RUC data.
This distance is based on:

  • Proportion of population in urban area
  • Proportion of population in rural area
  • Proportion of population in highly rural area

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Data description

Column name Data type Description Unique Required values
local-authority-code_A string A three/four letter code for the local authority No
local-authority-code_B string A three/four letter code for the local authority No
distance number The distance between the two local authorities (not meaningful except for comparisons) No
match number A score between 0 and 100 indicting how similar a council is (based on all known distances for a council) No
position number The rank of how much local authority B is similar to local authority A (1 is most similar). No

Table: Local authority rural-urban profile labels


A short category based on rural-urban profile for each local authority

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Data description

Column name Data type Description Unique Required values
local-authority-code string 3/4 letter local authority code. Yes
label string Label to describe rural-urban profile of authority. No Sparse and rural, Urban, Rural, Urban with rural areas

Table: Local authority rural-urban labels


Map of short labels to longer descriptions for rural-urban categories.

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Data description

Column name Data type Description Unique Required values
label string Short label for rural-urban profile. Yes Sparse and rural, Urban, Rural, Urban with rural areas
desc string Longer description of rural-urban profile. Yes Local authority predominately made up of large and low-density rural neighbourhoods, Local authority predominately made up of urban neighbourhoods, Local authority predominately made up of rural neighbourhoods, Local authority mostly made up of urban neighbourhoods, but with a significant number of rural neighbourhoods

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