Local authority climate emergency declarations

Version: 0.1.1. This is not the latest version of this document. See all versions.


Dataset of local authority declarations of a climate emergency with key features flagged



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Table: Local authority climate emergency declarations


Dataset of local authority declarations of a climate emergency with key features flagged

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Data description

Column name Data type Description Unique Required values
local-authority-code string 3/4 letter code for local authority (see https://mysociety.github.io/uk_local_authority_names_and_codes/) No
council string Name of council Yes
council_type string Type of council (unitary, county, district, etc) No Unitary Scotland, District, Unitary NI, Metro Boro, Unitary Eng, Unitary Wales, Combined Authority, County, Unitary Scot, Municipal Corporation, Combined authority, London Boro, Strategic Regional Authority
made_declaration string Has the council made a declaration of a climate emergency? No
date_made string Date of declaration No
motion_link string Link to motion No
ref_to_adaptation string Does the declaration refer to adaptation? No
ecological_emergency string Does the declaration refer to an ecological emergency? No
ref_to_nature string Does the declaration refer to nature? No
call_to_gov string Does the declaration call on the government to take action? No
carbon_neutral_date number Date by which the council aims to be carbon neutral No
carbon_neutral_whole_date string Date by which the council aims to be carbon neutral (whole area) No
notes string Notes on declaration No
motion_url string URL of motion No
gss_code string GSS code for council No
region string Region of council No
local-authority-type-name string Type of council (unitary, county, district, etc) No
county-la string Code of overlapping county council of council No
combined-authority string Code of overlapping combined authority of council No

Change log


fix c-return in text


Initial commit of data