Local authority climate polling

Version: 0.1.0. This is not the latest version of this document. See all versions.


Reformatted MRP pollings for local authorities areas



  • Not specified

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Table: Local authority climate polling


Reformatted MRP pollings for local authorities areas

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Data description

Column name Data type Description Unique Required values
source string Source of the polling No Onward2022, RenewableUK2022
local-authority-code string Local authority code (3/4 letter) No
official-name string Official name of the local authority No
question string Question short key No
percentage number Percentage of people who agreed with question statement No

Table: Local authority climate polling guide


Map of questions to short keys used in polling

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Data description

Column name Data type Description Unique Required values
source string Source of the polling No RenewableUK2022, Onward2022
question string Full question text Yes
short string Short key for the question Yes

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