Commons Votes Data

Version: 0.1.0. This is the latest version. See all versions.


Dataset version of data from Commons Votes API



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Table: Divisions


House of Commmons divisions as avaliable through the Commons Votes API

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Data description

Column name Data type Description Unique Required values
division_id integer Internal ID for the division No
date string Date and time of the division No
publication_updated string Date and time the division was last updated No
number integer Division number (unique to day) No
is_deferred boolean Whether the division was deferred No false, true
evel_type string Whether the division was an English Votes for English Laws division No , Country, Double Majority
evel_country string Country for English Votes for English Laws division No , England, England and Wales
title string Title of the division No
aye_count integer Number of aye votes No
no_count integer Number of no votes No
double_majority_aye_count number Number of aye votes for double majority (EVEL) No
double_majority_no_count number Number of no votes for double majority (EVEL) No
friendly_description string Friendly description of the division No
friendly_title string Friendly title of the division No
remote_voting_start string Date and time remote voting started No
remote_voting_end string Date and time remote voting ended No
division_key string Unique key for the division for TWFY No
twfy_link string Link to the division on TheyWorkForYou No

Change log


Minor change in data for resource(s): divisions