Karin Smyth (25390)

This page contains possible times in debates that Karin Smyth may have disclosed an interest.

This match is loose and is likely to include false positives.

2024-01-23: Match score 64%

Knowing my interest in Northern Ireland, he brought me into the team

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2024-09-09: Match score 63%

The draft instrument proposes two key UK-wide changes to existing regulations. First, it will expand the list of services and professionals named in the regulations who are able to give out naloxone without a prescription. In short, that means that professionals such as registered nurses and probation officers will be able to provide take-home supplies of naloxone where appropriate, should they wish to do so. Secondly, we propose to establish national registration services across the whole of the United Kingdom. That will enable all other services and professionals who are unable to be named in the legislation, including housing and homelessness services, to register and procure naloxone, subject to the passage of this statutory instrument. I look forward to working with colleagues across the devolved Governments on this important issue; I thank them for their work to date, and their continued support.

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