Parliamentary motions

Version: 0.1.0. This is the latest version. See all versions.


Motions and agreements extracted from parliamentary debates



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Individual tables

Table: Agreements


dataset of agreements extracted from parliamentary debates

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Data description

Column name Data type Description Unique Required values
gid string unique identifier for the agreement - debate gid plus paragraph pid Yes
date string date of the debate No
major_heading_id string ID of the major heading (if relevant) No
minor_heading_id string ID of the minor heading (if relevant) No
speech_id string ID of the speech containing the agreement No
paragraph_pid string paragraph ID of the agreement No
agreed_text string Text that contains the agreement No
motion_title string Title of the motion No
motion_gid string ID of the motion Yes
chamber string Chamber in which the agreement was made No house-of-commons, scottish-parliament
negative string Boolean on if the agreement is to reject the motion No

Table: Division Links


Lookup between GID for a division and the relevant motion

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Data description

Column name Data type Description Unique Required values
division_gid string GID of the division Yes
motion_gid string GID of the motion Yes
chamber string Chamber in which the motion was made No house-of-commons, scottish-parliament

Table: Motions


Motions extracted from parliamentary debates

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Data description

Column name Data type Description Unique Required values
gid string unique identifier for the motion - debate gid plus paragraph pid Yes
speech_id string ID of the speech containing the motion (or the first entry) No
date string date of the debate No
motion_title string Title of the motion No
motion_text string Text of the motion No
chamber string Chamber in which the motion was made No house-of-commons, scottish-parliament

Change log


Change in data for resource(s): agreements,division-links,motions